Trip Specialties

A majority of the charters you will find in the area leave the dock between 7am and 9am. A four to five hour charter puts you back on the docks in time for lunch. It also allows the charter a chance to clean and prep the boat for their afternoon charter which starts around 1pm and goes till 5pm. While those times are extremely convenient if you are not typically an “early riser” or have the pleasure of having the day off from work, it’s not when fishing is most productive. Weekdays often see the biggest blitzes and most productive fishing. Weekends see twice the boat traffic or more in our area which can give the fish lock jaw or they simply spread out given the heavy fishing pressure. Striped Bass are notoriously known for feeding at night and at first light. So why not fish when they are eating?
Kettie S. Charters DOES fish when the fish are biting! We are often times headed back to the dock when other charters are just heading out. Vise versa in afternoon. There are few things better than sipping a hot coffee while heading to the fishing grounds and/or having a frosty beverage as the sun sets on a perfect day. Have a full day of work and meetings planned? Kids soccer games and house chores to do on the weekends? Why not book a mid week dawn patrol or sunset session charter with Kettie S. Charters and have the best of both worlds. We work around your schedule so you can have time to do both. Are you a night owl? Try a night fishing charter for an entirely different kind of experience, where your senses are truly taken to another level and your chances of catching that Striper of a lifetime increase tremendously.